Over 1 million exams are taken every year in more than 140 countries to earn a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification, which is the premier IT certification in the world.

Making use of a performance-based test model, MOS certification exams is an industry-recognised certification in the competitive space of the IT industry.

Project and standards-based outcome testing, live-in-the-application testing environment and real-world functionality are few of the features of these new exams.

With this test, highlight your skills, abilities productivity and knowledge to proficiently use Microsoft Office. And not just use but effectively command Microsoft Office.

MOS harnesses your talents to take advantage of all the useful features and functionality of the Microsoft Office system that enables in advanced levels of performance, confidence, and differentiation of the individual.


Microsoft Office Specialist certification empowers you with skills to build a bright future. Earn industry-recognized certification, Gain knowledge of the computing skills companies are looking for

Strengthen your workforce resume, Stand out among other applicants, Earn valuable experience and get confidence

Highlight your earning potential, Empower yourself for a successful carrier, Microsoft Office Specialist certification offers you the make a mark in industry

Certification gives students an edge over other candidates, especially when they apply for admission to university, Provide a certification that gives an advantage so that it gives them a head-start in college acceptance

Microsoft Office Specialist certification also is a must for academic institutions and business and government organizations as it is a marker for excellence!


Be a part of the HPE Certificate of competency program today & begin your journey towards a bright future.